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im stuck in the first half!  i have no idea what to do :')

Hi nin. I can help you more accurately if you let me know where you got stuck.
If you can't win the battle, try a hit and run strategy. Don't keep attacking in place. Hit, move, and repeat hitting again.
If you are stuck in a word lock, use three hints to infer. For example, if you found a clue called Sprout, Forsythia, and Season, the answer is spring. For your information, if you restart the game, the quiz will change.


Im not sure of  any controls and cant get past the locked door in the very beginning haha :')

That was a fun but very challenging experience. I loved the art style and the overall story. The question, of course, is: is this man truly killing monsters and seeing horrors or is he simply insane? The truth, we may never know. But regardless of whether it was real or imaginary, the game itself was amazing, truly. Stage three was very challenging and seemed to require a lot of stealth rather than brute force, or run-and-gun. And actually, I liked the challenge. It was super frustrating dying over and over and having to retry the same level about five times. But once I got it, the ending was so rewarding. Thank you, game developer yanghoejin, for this amazing horror experience! May you create many more epic games in the future!


BAzE! I can't believe you gave me such a great idea. I was touched. As you said, the ending is not fixed. What the player feels and thinks is the conclusion. It took about six months to make this game, but many people commented that it was never a wasted time. Thank you so much. I will cheer up and make the new game I's

(1 edit)

i haven't been able to beat this game yet, but its very good. thank you for making it! you should definitely continue making games. <3333 

Thank you for playing. I'm getting energy from your support. I'll do my best for the next game!

how do you deal with the spiders with heads?

Thank you for playing.
The head spider is difficult because it has to succeed in a total of three attacks.
If you stand in place and attack, there is a very high risk of dying. The moment to attack the spider to go back to try to attack. Keep moving and attacking without a break.

I am on the second level where I find 3 clues. What do I do? I found the clues but I can't open the loc

Hello, Freiend. Guess the answer with three clues. For example, if you found a clue called Sprout, Forsythia, and Season, the answer is spring. For your information, if you restart the game, the quiz will change.

i cant get pass the lock on the door help pls

Try to infer a word from three clues. If it's the second stage, the answer is one of the seasons. If it's the third stage, the answer is one of the colors.

제가 게임 개발을 공부하고 있는데 이 게임이 많은 도움을 주었습니다.


저도 1인 개발을 하고 있는데, 도움이 되었다니 기쁘네요. 부지런히 다음 작품 만들어보겠습니다. GardeN님도 화이팅입니다!

제가 게임 제작을 공부하고 있는데 혹시 어떤 게임 엔진을 사용하셨는지 여쭤봐도 될까요? 

안녕하세요. sanha2836님. 이 게임은 유니티 엔진을 사용해서 제작했습니다. 또 궁금한 게 있으면 편하게 물어봐주세요.


Thank you! yeonghoey.

nice game!

Nice Play! Thank you!

Nice game! With some puzzles, and fun ^^

Thank you! I'll make a better game next time.

Good game :33

Thank you for playing!

(1 edit) (+1)

Didn’t succeed at putting the explosives in the tunnel to make it blow !

Everybody must die!

(1 edit)

You really have to go right up against the hole to be able to put it down in the correct place

I also have the same problem. I pick up the crate, run through the corridor, dribble the monster, don't know how to place them. Tried to aim for the center (between the tentacles): doesn't work. Tried to put it down, run out of the corridor, activate that kind of detonator where I picked the crate: doesn't work. Tried to put down the crate and run upstairs: doesn't work.

Ah! You can't install a bomb without killing all the monsters. 1) Kill all the monsters that appear 2) carry the bomb box 3) put the bomb box at the end of the north corridor.

but they respawn

That's right, enemies will continue to respond. A total of 16 people must be killed. Everyone must die!

Eventually if you keep killing them, they will stop spawning. 

yayyy finally in english versionnn


Thank you for playing!

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now is cool version eng .. 


Thank you for playing. I was able to find small problems while watching the play video.
You can solve the quiz by reading the clues on three green papers. So look for three green papers.
This is how you solve the last blockage. Find the gold frame, push the table with your body. Frame the wooden bar to obtain the key. Open the north prison with this key, kill the patient, and get the last clue.

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thank you for tips... last part ..i have loser lot time search ... no problem... puzzle game is easy .

I look forward to your great play!

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think make version console?

There are no console version update plans. ;(

I cant figure out the code for the door downstairs

Find three clues and enter the words related to the clue. If the clues don't show on the screen, please let me know again. Let me check again.

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i got all 3 but what do i do now?

Guess the answer with three clues. For example, if you found a clue called Sprout, Forsythia, and Season, the answer is spring. For your information, if you restart the game, the quiz will change.

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lmao thats the exact clues i had!


This game rocks!

Thank you for playing.

와 가뭄에 콩나듯이 보이는 한국어게임.. 건승하세요. 


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cool but think need dub eng

Thank you for playing. I will also add the English version later.

번역 필요하심 제가 그냥 해드릴게요 대사랑 메뉴 텍스트 정리만 해주시면. ((( Mew Shin )))#3983 디코 연락주시거나 쪽지 주세요

뮤님. 멋진 번역 감사합니다.

English version is updated now!

the ENG version is up, you can download it again and it will have English as the default

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